Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) was established in August 1972 with two main objectives which are to provide retirement benefit and other benefits to officers and members of the other ranks in the armed forces and to enable Mobilised Members of the Volunteer Forces in the service to participate in a saving scheme.

A Sustainable Provident Fund

Advancing Socio-economic Well-being of Our Members
Core Values

Good corporate governance, ethics, transparency and trustworthiness.

Perform in the best and rightful manner with high level of quality.

Constructing new business models, products, services and solutions.

Willingness to work together to achieve the same goal or objective.

LTAT's Quality Policy
LTAT’s Quality Policy is as follows:
LTAT is committed to be a respectable organisation and excel in the management of contributors’ fund by implementing Quality Management System to meet customer needs.
As such, LTAT is committed to implementing the following:
- Development of a Quality Objective Framework that includes:
- Client Charter
- Customer Management Plan
- Comply with relevant requirements such as acts, legislations, policies, standards and Operation Manuals.
- Implement the Quality Management System effectively towards continuous improvement.
Client Charter

Dividend crediting:
1 Day after dividend declaration
Contributions withdrawal:
3 Days (subject to acceptance of complete information)
Counter waiting time does not exceed:
15 Minutes
Reply to contributors’ phone messages:
1 Working day
Provide feedback to contributors (via email, myWira/ social media):
3 Working days
Resolve complaints received:
5 Working days